Hygiene (Sadachar), health and spirituality in the light of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.

Human body is one of the best creations of 'God'. Healthy body and mind are prerequisites for spiritual practices. Hygienic principles (Sadachar) are mandatory for keeping good health. Spirituality can only be experienced by a healthy body and mind subjectively. Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not mere absence of disease and infirmity" (WHO). The word hygiene is derived from Greek word 'Hygieia'. In Greek mythology 'Hygieia' is the Goddess of health, being concerned with the preservation of health and the prevention of disease.

Sri Sri Thakur said "Hygiene is the practice of principles of living conducive to one's existence and growth. Hygiene has three aspects, namely, physical, mental and spiritual. One aspect is complimentary to the other aspect. By practicing all aspects of hygiene our nervous system becomes more receptive and responsive". (Translated from Alochana Prasange, Vol.7, p-73.).

Physical (Bodily) hygiene: Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Keeping clean is the best way of maintaining physical hygiene. Physical hygiene keeps our body free from infection. Washing of hands before and after taking foods and cleanliness after using toilets etc and wearing clean clothes are indispensable ways to prevent infection. We must keep an eye on environment also.

Sri Sri Thakur said "It is not wise to take food from unknown person. It is essential that we are very cautious about food for a healthy living. We do not know what disease the food handler is affected with. One person may be immune to particular disease because of his immune status but he may be carrier and transmit the disease to others who is not immune to it. It is therefore always better to cook one's food by oneself rather than eating at restaurants and hotels. It is not even advisable to take food from a Brahmin who is not practicing hygienic principles. We should restrict ourselves from using clothes and beds of others". (Translated from Alochona Prasange, Vol.1, Page-31, by Dr. N. Das) Sri Sri Thakur said "Dispensaries and hospitals should be the ideal place of hygiene and health. People learn principles of hygiene from these places. Mottoes of hygienic principles should be displayed in dispensaries and hospitals for public education. Maintaining hygiene is as important as medicine". (Translated from Alochana Prasange, vol.2. page166, by Dr. N. Das).

Mental hygiene: The practice of truthful thinking, speaking truth, wishing wellbeing of others is mental hygiene. Sri Sri Thakur said "Even if distorted thinking occasionally comes in mind that does not mean that everything is gone, unrepelling attachment to the 'Lord' (Ista) can wipe it out." (Translated from Alochana Prasange, Vol. 14, p-206, by Dr. N. Das). Mental hygiene is not just about discarding the negatives but also recycling the negatives in order to yield positive results out of it. Contentment, calmness, sweet words and balanced personality are some of the signs of healthy mental hygiene.

Spritual hygiene and spirituality: Unrepelling adherence to 'Lord' (Ista), and following him unconditionally after Initiation (Diksha) from a realized person, the True master (Satguru) are the initial requirements to Spiritual hygiene. Following His dictum in daily life, 'Jawjan', 'Jaajan' and 'Istavriti' as advocated by Sri Sri Thakur, are practical easy ways to Spirituality. These three principles inevitably lead to a meaningful coordination between 'Lord', Individual and environment and bring perfection in life. Repetition of 'Holy-name' given at the time of Initiation, worship, i.e. 'Jawjan' and Meditation, self-analysis and self-adjustment, study of Holy messages and books and prayers etc. are essential practices of spirituality. By these practices brain cells become more receptive and responsive and there is absolute spontaneous integrated development of personality. Ideal centric environmental service with sensory motor coordination and propagating the principles of Ideal (Ista), the 'lord' for the sake of an Ideal centric society i.e. 'jaajan' lead us to a universal brotherhood. Physical, mental and spiritual hygiene brings psychosomatic and spiritual integration and is indispensable in our life


Anonymous said...

My residence at deoghar. At the early age I am go to Thakur Bari, my father is also told me that he is saw sri sri thakur but i am also see borda. At first deoghar is known fo baba baidyanath temple and secondary known by thakur bari (satsang). Sandeep Chatterjee. Purandaha, Jasoda lal Roy Road. b. Deoghar

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much.

Geetanjali said...

i m geetanjali, i took diksha from guruji. i got peace of mind in my life which i had lost.
I m connecting people with Thakurji who's in my contact through "YAJAN".
So pls do Yajan for Thakurji.

Jai Guru

pinky said...


ur thought about Thakurjee is amazing but it is not sufficent at all .I want to know whether U r pursuing all advices of THAKURJEE.If yes its very good otherwise meaningless.

binaya said...

jaiguru ,thank u giving this information about thakur anukul chandra.

Unknown said...

Jai guru
I am Ratan, my residence at dhenkanal orissa.It is very hapiest moment in my life to see the article about Sri sri thakur ankulchandraji in internet. thanking you. hopping more in future

Unknown said...

Jai Guru ,
This is great pleasue to me to see the article of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra in the website.
Raju Dutta

Unknown said...

Jai Guru,
This is an excelnt job done because the satsang website now onwards will be going to reach lots of people those who are really wants "Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra".
Thank you
Raju Dutta
Jagatpur Bazar

Anonymous said...

I am a follower(guru bhai)of Sri Sri Thakur Anukul Chandra , My girl friend is also the same and all of her family member are strict follwer of "Satsanga" . Now the only thing is that we belongs to different cast(sadgope and Kayasth) and that is the only reason her father disagreeing with our relationship.
Could anyone please let me know whether this type of intercast marriage is realy prohibited according to Thakur or not? If yes is there any way to overcome it(According to "Satsanga"). Would appreaciate your comments.

Please don't think that I am considering this site as "problem solving Community". I just want to know the fact. As all the readers here are belongs to the same community ,it would be easier to get it. Thats what I thought.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

Vinit said...

Jai Guru and thanks all for your feedbacks.

Ashutos Das Majhi said...

the first time i come to know about this website. I am so hapy today.

Unknown said...

This is really a good stuff.
I am eagerly waiting for more blogs about Thakurji.
Request you to put up more writings about him.

ADITYA said...

I could not understand that how a person is called `Yuga Purushottam' while he got married second time at the age of 50+ to his sister in law aged about 22 years. Very shameful affair. Following his foot-steps a sizeable followers have made it a tradition set by their thakur to marry second time (keeping a concubine!) even though (a) wife is alive and in good health (b) having son/daughter and (c)not fled with anybody. This is the work of `Purush-adhama'. Mahatma Gandhi has written that `A lier (Byavichari) cannot teach truth (Sanjam) to his disciples.'

ADITYA said...

SATYANUSARAN - Follow the truth. I am narrating some truths for your kind information.
(i) Thakur A.C. married to his daughter like sister-in-law despite heavy resistance from his 1st wife, only to satisfy his carnal desire.
(ii) In Hindu culture, there is no successor of divinely persons. But here sons (each from 1st & 2nd wife) are fighting to be THAKUR as successor. Case is pending in theSupreme Court.
(iii) Money so collected from innocent & illiterate people are distributed between HEIRS OF THAKUR & collecting agents RITIKs in the name of ISTA-BRUTI. When Ista has been sallowed by the TIME(kaala) like common people, how Ista-bruti will reach him. So Thakur cunningly made nice arrangement of collection of funds by way of Ista-bruti. The end use of money is best known to ISTA-PUTRAS.

I request all the readers/followers to search the truth in letter and spirit.
Thanking you.

ADITYA said...

Mr.Ankul Chandra Thakur used to fool people around him cunningly as he was an orator with charismatic personality. The entire kingdom of Thakur is full of high negative energy as seen from the followers fighting for post of Authorised Collection Agent (RITIKs). One of his grand-son was murdered because of non-funding to Lalu's agents, who wanted to share with Thakur's easy earned money(Istabhruti - collected from innocent and illiterate people of Bihar).

I would like to narrate below some of my experiences with followers of Thakur Ankul Chandra (TAC).

(i) While returning from my office by train, at about 6 PM, I was told by followers of TAC to keep quiet as they were going for prayer. After prayer work is over, I asked them what were they doing. They told me they were doing prayer to TAC in the SANDHYA time. I enquired the meaning & types of Sandhya but in vain. They tried to befool me by uttering some meaningless queer words, meaning best known to them. I smiled and advised them to analyse the word which is self-explicit.(SOM + DHYA)

(ii)TAC is in the habit of stealing words of different GURUs/ PITHs viz. JAYA GURU from NIGAMANANDA, SHREE-MANDIR & ANAND-BAZAR from JAGANNATH TEMPLE. They used to tell that LORD JAGANNATH is wood (kastha)-Jagannath but TAC is Manav-Jagannath, who happens to be consumed by KAALA. The only divine-fellow in the history to be died as a common man without SAMADHI.

I request all the followers / lovers of TAC to compare this mortal man with any other Divine Guru and acknowledge the truth.

ADITYA said...

I invite someone to come forward and counter the allegations flanked on TAC are baseless in this forum. But I would like to tell you that I have taken pain in collecting the facts about TAC to unveil a SATAN pretending to be GOD who has netted thousands of innocent people by technically captivating their body, mind & intellect. Very Very Sorry state of affairs. - ANDHERA KAYAM RAHE.

dhritisundar said...

@ Annonymous
Marriage includes the culture of respect and eugenics. The purpose of marriage is to produce a good progeny; and so, the question of varna is also important, as it has already been verified by observation for thousands of years. If you are a follower of Sri Sri Thakur, then you must go through the literature related to this matter. Jaiguru.

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya.

"If you go with pride to examine a true Master, a loving Sage or Saint, you will only see yourself in Him and will come away deceived."
... Satyanusaran

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:


... If you want to know Him, you can do it by surrender, service and quest for true knowledge.

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:

Mahatma Gandhi himself declared that, if his Ram Rajya is ever to be materialized, it has already been so in Satsang.

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya: The term 'ANANDA BAZAR' was neither borrowed by Sri Sri Thakur, nor was introduced by Him. Mata Manamohini Devi started it at the request of Janaki Nath Basu, the father of Netaji Subhsh Chandra Basu(/Bose) after the parents of Netaji took initiation of Sri Sri Thakurji.
henceforth, it was automatically named by the devotees as Anandabazar.
For your kind information, there is a very famous national Bengali newspaper with the same name.

dhritisundar said...

"After taking the shelter of a true Master, think independently and express your own opinions respectfully."

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:

If marrying twice is byavicher, then what is your opinion about Lord Krishna?
What about some other communities practising polygamy?
Have you ever read the doctrines of Manu, or the Arthashastr of Kautilya?

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:

ISTABHRITI is not easy earned money collected from innocent and illiterate people of Bihar; it is the Volitional Love-Offering from millions of illuminated people all over the world, from their sincere earning, in gratitude to the immortal path and guidance provided.

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:
yes; ISTABHRITI is a nice system, and if the state introduces a similar system, then there will be so much fund for the welfare of the state that in future there may not be any necessity to collect tax from citizens; as voluntarily people will pay as much as they can.

dhritisundar said...

Istabhriti is not a new system; it is already in practice in different forms among us. Church-tax is also a variation of Istabhriti.

dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:

"...as a common man ..."

"As the sparkle of a diamond, which remains in coal and dirt, can only be seen after thorough cleansing, so also, He Who lives in society as an ordinary man, can illumine the world with His sparkle only by the washings of love. The lover alone can know Him; so keep the company of lovers and worshippers of Existence. He must manifest Himself."

dhritisundar said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya:

Q: "Thakur, I beg you with all my heart to become my husband."
A: "But if you can win the true consent of Ma and Boro Ma, then I will be honoured to be your husband."
[Ocean in a Teacup]

ADITYA said...

Dear Brother Dhritisundar,

Thank you for sending so many valuable notions. I assume that you must be a RITIK or SWASTAYINI (authorised agent to befool innocent people). Loving a person & accepting as Guru is nice, but when you people are propagating and comparing Lord Krishna with a lewd man (TAC) amongst the innocent and `Dharmaviru' Hindu people, I feel to defend it and bring the facts of TAC before all.

Brother, in my earlier mails, whatever data given by me, you have kept mum till now and trying to divert my attention by giving unnecessary facts. I have analysed TAC and his followers since last 27years and found that barring a few devotees, majority have enrolled in this organisation for name, fame, money and above all to satisfy their carnal desire under the umbrella of `satsang'.

Brother, somewhere you have compared TAC with Lord Krishna. I would like to take you back to `SHRI HARIBANSHAM' / `MAHABHARAT' where`Basudev Poundrika' had also pretended as Lord Krishna, but what happened - pounced by kaala chakra.

Brother, as far my knowledge goes, TAC is a `Krishna Bhakta' and once
had come to Jagannath Temple to have darshan of the Lords and wept
like a child, bowed down and prayed for blessings at the feets of the Lords. As a Bhakta, TAC can be more than Lord Krishan, accepted truth. But donot try to make him at par with the beloved Lord of Universe.

Brother, somewhere you have mentioned that Lord Krishna was having many wives. Please go through the Krishna Leela, you will
find many miraculous deeds done by the Lord. He had also shown
Biswarupa simultaneously to Arjun, Sanjay & Vyasa. Only think Lord of
the Universe, but donot try to compare him with an ordinary lewd man.

Thanking you


dhritisundar said...

@ Aditya>
People like Poundrik Vasudeva and Shishupala are present in this age also; and many of them were transformed into saintly persons by Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra, Just as Saul was transformed into Paul and Chandashoka into Dhammashoka.
I am not a Ritwik. It requires many qualities to be a Ritwik. They carry the Message to the people; they do not misguide anyone.
27 years are a long time indeed; but not long enough to know everything about Sri Sri Thakur.
I did not compare with Sri Krishna; I just gave examples from History.
Anyway, I am ready to discuss in details on this matter if you contact me at
This article is related to Hygiene and spirituality in the light of Sri Sri Thakur; and discussion should be related to the topic.


If one will go through the liteature of Thakur Anukulchandra,His leelas etc,one can easily understand Who He really was.The thing is that to follow Him in the very life to understand Him.The lord when comes in the human form never discloses His identity unless and until the situation is not so.Thakur also showed His Biswarupam to Ananta Moharaj .So He was the living embodiment of lord Krishna.He had come in the form of sri Chaitany,Ramakrishna,Anukula.This will also continue in future.It is not so easy to reconize him whaen He descends in human form.

Unknown said...

Intercaste marriage can happen only by "anulom" procedure where bride is of lower caste, groom is of higher caste, also he has to marry first a girl of same caste. these r the rules of Manusanghita, reminded again to us by SRI SRI THAKUR.

Unknown said...

you know only the information, but you don't know the situation why and how this marriage happened, that is why u r making bad sense of this. Choto ma the second wife of Thakurkji was strongly determined that she would not marry anyone else other than Thakur, because she realized no other person is better than Him, although He was her sisters husband. She went to Thakurs mother and made her proposal, mother told to take consent from her elder sister. She gave consent. But why Thakur gave to this marriage? polygamy is recognized in aryan culture, when more than one girl wants to marry a superior( in character, culture)male person, because it is beneficial for the society as good and superior human being will be born by this mothers who accepted her husband with love and regards, but if they were not married to this superior persons they would marry inferior person against their will, they would breed inferior issues as they are not regardful to their husband. on this eugenic ground for the betterment of the society and the girl polygamy is recognized in Aryan culture by the superior male person, not by any man who has no ideal, no character just for fulfiling ones lust. lots of example are there, How many girl aceepted Arjun as husband, how many ladies accepted Lord krishna as husband, how many girl accepted king Dasharatha as husband? on that ground Thakur told chotoma, I have my mother and a wife, i know you r determined to accept none but me as ur husband, but if only my mother and wife give consent i can accept u as my wife.this was the real scenario. those who dont know Thakur's life, ideology, his mission but think that they know Him only by reading some information and coment anything what kind of stuff they are? listen first know Him well, one cant be known without regards to him, without making company with Him, do not make sin any more by making any bad comment. Because every action has equal and opposite reaction. Crores of people follow Him, love Him, adore Him not just for out of nothing, He showed the way of peace, the way of iternal love,He solved the complexities of human life. Those who came to Him with regards accepted Him as their guide and followed Him accordingly realized Who He is. people like u were present in the past, is present now and will be in future, but can thousands of darkness cover the sun, at last truth prevails, praying for ur betterment i conclude.

Unknown said...

You know the information only, but you don't know the situation why and how this marriage happend? first know a person thouroughly. What do you think u know Thakur Anukulchandra? desciples staying for years near Him could not know Him well? How can we know a person, by making company with Him, by reading His books, by making company with those who know Him truly. Without knowing a person rightly those who comment anything they really deceives themselves because they believe in hearsay, they become preoccupied with an idea, they cant think in an unbiased mind, so they cant take the actually good things because it was presented in a bad way and they believed that, didnot check the hearsay by meeting Him face to face.
I pray for ur betterment, and warn you that you are harming yourself by by commenting without knowing a person thoroughly.

Unknown said...

Intercaste marriage by protilom procedure where bride is of higher caste( culture) and groom is of lower caste( culture) is stritly prohobited by Manu, also by Thakur, as it produces inferior and treacherous offspring because the girl can not respect her husband, can not be regardful to him, so she breeds issues of disregard and disrespect who become typically treacherous and source of infinite disaster to fammily, society, country and the world.

ADITYA said...

I think you have taken dixa from a commission agent (Ritik). I have developed hatredness towards the dixit people around me who are devil by nature, majority of whom are lewd and greedy by nature. Majority Ritiks/other dixits have kept a concubine and used to harass their parents physically & mentally. I have every regard towards ANUKUL CHANDRA JI as devotee of Lord Jagannath. But when socalled dixits rate him above a BHAKTA/DEVOTEE then all types of problem arise. If you made a survey of your nearby dixits you will find the real story behind. Since last 40 years I have observed the marketing skill & attitude of these agents closely where they try to capture the innocent people in their net. Carry on brother, honestly carry on.

Unknown said...

@aditya, Its not that much easy to know Him by reading some literary facts, first you need to surrender yourself with mental, physical and spiritually to understand Him..one day you will too become a follower of Him..Do you know who is a Guru? A Guru is one who takes you out from darkness to brightness..You only know what you have studied by some literary stuffs..Thakur is beyond this universe, inorder to know him, first become his follower..do what he has taught , m sure, you will come to know what you don't know about Him..

Unknown said...

Yes different cast marriage is prohibited according to anukula thakur

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'm Satyabrata Hom,DURGAPUR steel city to share mindblowung impression with reference to Psychosomatic disorders that whole society length and breath going

Anonymous said...

Jay guru 🤍✨

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