Hygiene (Sadachar), health and spirituality in the light of Sri Sri Thakur Anukulchandra.

Human body is one of the best creations of 'God'. Healthy body and mind are prerequisites for spiritual practices. Hygienic principles (Sadachar) are mandatory for keeping good health. Spirituality can only be experienced by a healthy body and mind subjectively. Health is "a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not mere absence of disease and infirmity" (WHO). The word hygiene is derived from Greek word 'Hygieia'. In Greek mythology 'Hygieia' is the Goddess of health, being concerned with the preservation of health and the prevention of disease.

Sri Sri Thakur said "Hygiene is the practice of principles of living conducive to one's existence and growth. Hygiene has three aspects, namely, physical, mental and spiritual. One aspect is complimentary to the other aspect. By practicing all aspects of hygiene our nervous system becomes more receptive and responsive". (Translated from Alochana Prasange, Vol.7, p-73.).

Physical (Bodily) hygiene: Cleanliness is next to Godliness. Keeping clean is the best way of maintaining physical hygiene. Physical hygiene keeps our body free from infection. Washing of hands before and after taking foods and cleanliness after using toilets etc and wearing clean clothes are indispensable ways to prevent infection. We must keep an eye on environment also.

Sri Sri Thakur said "It is not wise to take food from unknown person. It is essential that we are very cautious about food for a healthy living. We do not know what disease the food handler is affected with. One person may be immune to particular disease because of his immune status but he may be carrier and transmit the disease to others who is not immune to it. It is therefore always better to cook one's food by oneself rather than eating at restaurants and hotels. It is not even advisable to take food from a Brahmin who is not practicing hygienic principles. We should restrict ourselves from using clothes and beds of others". (Translated from Alochona Prasange, Vol.1, Page-31, by Dr. N. Das) Sri Sri Thakur said "Dispensaries and hospitals should be the ideal place of hygiene and health. People learn principles of hygiene from these places. Mottoes of hygienic principles should be displayed in dispensaries and hospitals for public education. Maintaining hygiene is as important as medicine". (Translated from Alochana Prasange, vol.2. page166, by Dr. N. Das).

Mental hygiene: The practice of truthful thinking, speaking truth, wishing wellbeing of others is mental hygiene. Sri Sri Thakur said "Even if distorted thinking occasionally comes in mind that does not mean that everything is gone, unrepelling attachment to the 'Lord' (Ista) can wipe it out." (Translated from Alochana Prasange, Vol. 14, p-206, by Dr. N. Das). Mental hygiene is not just about discarding the negatives but also recycling the negatives in order to yield positive results out of it. Contentment, calmness, sweet words and balanced personality are some of the signs of healthy mental hygiene.

Spritual hygiene and spirituality: Unrepelling adherence to 'Lord' (Ista), and following him unconditionally after Initiation (Diksha) from a realized person, the True master (Satguru) are the initial requirements to Spiritual hygiene. Following His dictum in daily life, 'Jawjan', 'Jaajan' and 'Istavriti' as advocated by Sri Sri Thakur, are practical easy ways to Spirituality. These three principles inevitably lead to a meaningful coordination between 'Lord', Individual and environment and bring perfection in life. Repetition of 'Holy-name' given at the time of Initiation, worship, i.e. 'Jawjan' and Meditation, self-analysis and self-adjustment, study of Holy messages and books and prayers etc. are essential practices of spirituality. By these practices brain cells become more receptive and responsive and there is absolute spontaneous integrated development of personality. Ideal centric environmental service with sensory motor coordination and propagating the principles of Ideal (Ista), the 'lord' for the sake of an Ideal centric society i.e. 'jaajan' lead us to a universal brotherhood. Physical, mental and spiritual hygiene brings psychosomatic and spiritual integration and is indispensable in our life

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